1. AMO(Analysis Management Objects) with .Net CLR Procedure
2. Power Shell Script
3. SSIS ETL Package.
Here i explained my Experience with
[1.] AMO(Analysis Management Objects) with .Net CLR Procedure this is More flexible and easy to handle Cube Objects.
Step 1.Enable CLR in SqlDataBase
Step2. Create New .Net DataBase SqlServerProject(CLR Project) with your Required DataBase connection
Step3: Create Microsoft.AnalysisServices.DLL" Reference in [Cube Processing] Project
1. Find "Microsoft.AnalysisServices.DLL" in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\SDK\Assemblies\ and copy paste to some Folder D:\CLR Project\
2. Register Assembly in SQLServer DataBase
CREATE ASSEMBLY [AnalysisServices]
FROM D:\CLR Project\Microsoft.AnalysisServices.DLL'
3. Refer [AnalysisServices] Assembly
Right click [Cube Processing] Project and click Add Reference and Select "Sql Server Tab" select
[AnalysisServices] Assebly.
Note1. Assembly will be avaliable in "SqlServer Tab" only after Creating Assembly in Datbase .
as well as it can be seen in SQLManagementStudio -> Database->Programmabillity -> Assembly
Step 4: Create Method ProcessPartition Using Microsoft.AnalysisServices Classs
Process the Cube Partition using given Input Parameter Values. If ProcessDimensions is True then
process all MeasureGroup Related Dimension
-- Simple Code and Commented Briefly
1. Copy Paste the code
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using Microsoft.AnalysisServices;
public partial class StoredProcedures
public static void ProcessPartition(SqlString ServerName, SqlString CatalogName, SqlString CubeName, SqlString MeasureGroupName, SqlString PartitionName, SqlBoolean ProcessDimensions)
// Create Instance for AnalysisServer
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server svr = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server();
// Create Instance for MeasureGroup
MeasureGroup measureGroup = new MeasureGroup();
// Connect Analysis Server Instance
if ((svr != null) && (svr.Connected))
// Connect the Analysis Server DataBase
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Database db = svr.Databases.FindByName(CatalogName.ToString());
Cube cub;
// Find the Analysis Server DataBase Cube
cub = db.Cubes.FindByName(CubeName.ToString());
// Find the Analysis Server DataBase Cube MeasureGroup
measureGroup = cub.MeasureGroups.FindByName(MeasureGroupName.ToString());
// Check ProcessDimensions Flag If its True Process All MeasureGroup Related Dimesnion
if (ProcessDimensions == true)
foreach (MeasureGroupDimension Dim in measureGroup.Dimensions)
// Proces Dimension
// Find the Analysis Server DataBase Cube MeasureGroup Partttion
Partition par = measureGroup.Partitions.FindByName(PartitionName.ToString());
// Process Partition
// DisConnect Server Connection
catch (Exception Ex)
// To Send Error Message to Database
throw new ApplicationException(Ex.Message);
This code will process the Cube up to low Level object. If you wish to Process only the DataBase,Cube,MeasureGroup then
use DataBase.Process(),Cube.Process(),MeasureGroup.Process() .
2. Build the Project
3. Copy the [Cube Processing] DLL from Solution \bin\Debug folder and Paste to D:\CLR Project\
4. Create Assembly in SqlServer DataBase:
CREATE ASSEMBLY [Cube Processing]
FROM 'D:\CLR Project\Cube Processing.dll'
5. View the Assembly
Now the Registered [Cube Processing] Assembly wl be abaliable in SQLManagementStudio -> Database->Programmabillity -> Assembly
Step5: Create Extented StoreProcedure Using Registed Assembly (Cube Processing])
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProcessPartition]
(@ServerName NVARCHAR(50)
, @CatalogName NVARCHAR(50)
, @CubeName NVARCHAR(50)
, @MeasureGroupName NVARCHAR(50)
, @PartitionName NVARCHAR(50)
, @ProcessDimensions BIT
EXTERNAL NAME [Cube Processing].[StoredProcedures].[ProcessPartition]
[Cube Processing] -->Registered Assembly Name
[StoredProcedures] --> Class Name of the above Code
[ProcessPartition] --> Method Name of he Class
Step6: Execute Procedure [dbo].[ProcessPartition]
EXEC [ProcessPartition] @ServerName = 'MyServer\Instance1'
, @CatalogName = 'MyDatabase'
, @CubeName = 'MyCube'
, @MeasureGroupName = 'MyCube'
, @PartitionName = 'MyCube_2008_08'
, @ProcessDimensions = 1
!! Any help and sugestion about this article are welcome !!!