Sunday, January 18, 2009

Unexpected error occurred while Open CalculationTab in SSAS Cube

In Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), when i am in Analysis Services Project and when i open a cube and select the calculations tab, the design surface displays a message that reads:
Unexpected error occurred: 'Error in the application' and then it closes Visual Studio.

Found Mary Potapova's answer in the Microsoft Forum very useful as it fixed my problems. I quote here fix:
this might be caused by version mismatch between some binaries. i'd suggest checking the versions of msmdlocal.dll and msmgdsrv.dll and making sure that the ones installed into %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ are the same as those in %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\System\Ole DB\ (if they are not then try updating the ones in the PrivateAssemblies with the ones from ole db; you might want to save the original ones as to be able to get back to original state just in case.. It helped me to fix this issue.

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