Monday, June 21, 2010

Parent - Child Hierarchy in SQL Server 2008 Reporting Service with Operational Source

Parent >> Child Hierarchy in SQL Server 2008 Reporting Service with Operational Source

I followed the below articles and i could build the Parent child Hierarchy in SSRS 2008 using Relational Database Source.

If you are ok with this look and feel then you can follow this.

There are 4 Steps need to be done to do the SSRS 2008 Parent Child Hierarcchy report with ODS Source
Step 1: Create Datasource Connection  and Dataset

Datasource: [AdventureWorksDW]
SELECT DimEmployee.EmployeeKey



,ISNULL(SUM(SalesAmountQuota),0) AS SalesAmount

FROM DimEmployee

LEFT JOIN FactSalesQuota ON FactSalesQuota.EmployeeKey = DimEmployee.EmployeeKey

GROUP BY DimEmployee.EmployeeKey




Step 2: Configure Recursive Parent
1. General Tab  Configure the Prroperties

Name : ParentChildGroup
Then Add Group Expression and Specify the
[Group On] : EmployeeKey

2. Advance Tab
Recursive Parent : ParentEmployeeKey
Document Map : Leave it
3: Visiblity Tab
3.a)Check the Hide Check Box
3.b) Enable Display can be Toggle by this Item and
Select EmploeeName (Name of the First column in our report)
Step 3: Configure Indent
Right click EmployeeName Test Box and Select "Text Box Property"
1. Alignement Tab
Padding Option : Left (Expression)
= 20 * level() + 5 & "pt"
2. Font Tab
Style : Bold (Expression)
=iif(Count(Fields!FirstName.Value , "ParentChildGroup", Recursive) > 1, "Bold", "Normal")

Step 4: Set Roll up(Drill Down and Dril Up) for the SalesAmount
Set Recursive Sum in the "Sales Amount" Column
1. Select Sales Amount column Text Box Property
2. General Tab
Value : Expression

Thats it Enjoy SQl 2008 Parent Child Hierarchy Reporting :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to thank you for your Post. You might be the reason why I solved my Problem. :-)

Anyway Thank you!