Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pentaho Looping

Pentaho Looping
I have a scenario to load the staging table from different sources. So i have to execute the same mapping more the one times based on number of rows avaliable in the Control Table.

Table : ConnectionInfo
ServerName      DatabaseName
Server1              DB1
Server2              DB2
Server2              DB3

I followed this URL and i could implement the Pentaho Looping
Create Transformation to select number of rows(Databasename,serverName) and copy the rows in to result set
Step2: "LoadConnectionInfo.ktr"
Create Transformation to Assign connection Information to variable 

Step3:"Load StgEntity.ktr"
a) Create Static Source Connection to load the data from source.
b) Create mapping to transfer the data from Source to Destination
c) Then change the connection name in to Variable.

Step4) "LoadVariable and ExecuteTransformation.kjb"
Create  the job to Integrate the (Step2)-LoadConnectionInfo.ktr and (Step3) - LoadStgEntity.ktr

Step5: Create job to integrate  Step1 - "LoadConnections.ktr"  and Step4 - "LoadVariable and ExecuteTransformation.kjb"
And configure the job properties like below
Here (Step4 - "LoadVariable and ExecuteTransformation.kjb")  job will be executed by the number of rows return from the (Step1- "LoadConnections.ktr")  transaction
I hope this will hellp you to do the pentahoo looping.

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